I sent you a fused socket. There's a 2A slow-blow fuse in a sliding drawer, accessible from the outside of the chassis.foreverstrung wrote: ↑Fri 11/11/22 8:02 pmAnother quick question. My power jack is not the same as in the TMB manual. I suspect the power input jack in the manual has a slow blow fuse contained. I have none. But as this pic shows, I've got a hole in the chassis, (but not the plate. easy enough to drill). I'm sure this is the spot for a solo slow blow fuse. But it's not in any layout I have, nor could I find anything in this forum. I see it in the schematic and I'm getting better reading and deciphering them, but I sure would appreciate some direction on this fuse holder. I'd like to have something to compare it too if I install one using the schematic as I see it.
To clarify, it appears to be real simple, but I wanted to run it by you guys.
Which kind/type specifically. Does it matter? Suggestions on where to pick one up and best of all, a pic or something of the layout with it in.
If you're not familiar with them, they're sneaky. Look closer at the front: EDIT: A guy that I made one of these amps brought it in for me to check out and replace the tubes (his power tubes were dead, he played the hell out of them for a year), and he didn't know there's a fuse in that IEC socket either. I guess I should tell people.