I would recommend an 18W TMB variant. With that you get one classic style 18W channel, with single Tone and Volume control, where most of the distortion comes from the preamp. You also get a Plexi-inspired preamp channel with Treble/Mid/Bass (ie TMB) tone controls as well as Gain and Volume controls. This channel develops distortion in the preamp as well as the power stage, and it can have an FX loop in as well. And you can jumper the two channels together for even more tonal variations. For "bedroom level" playing, I would recommend either a VVR mod to scale the output power level or else an attenuator on the output. Some builders can also provide an option to cascade the two channels into each other for super high gain if you want.
There's a few places you can go to get 18W TMB amps - both in kit form or fully built. And you can ask them to include the extra FX loop and VVR/attenuator. A few that quickly come to mind:
http://www.gdsamps.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Trinity
http://www.trinityamps.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Ceriatone
http://www.ceriatone.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Graydon Stuckey of GDS is one of the original founders of this community, and has a rock solid reputation. Stephen Cors at Trinity has also been with the 18W community for a long time, and also has a sterling reputation. Nik at Ceriatone is a great guy, but unfortunately has had little involvement with this community and there have been some issues with their engineering practices - see for example
http://www.18watt.com/forums/viewtopic. ... 7&p=236547" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; So I might hesitate a little at fully recommending Ceriatone, but you may still want to check them out.
JMPGuitars can also provide some fully-built single-channel TMB 18W variants - www. jmpguitars.com There are probably some others around who can provide an 18W TMB amp, and my apologies to anyone I've missed.