JTM45 split cathode switch

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JTM45 split cathode switch

Post by Hebaton »

I remember seeing a schematic for a switch doing that but can't seem to find it anymore.
Does anyon here know where I can get that ?
( a schematic for switch between split cathodes with plexi bypass values and original spec... )
I aasume doing that AND a tube / SS rectifier switch would result in pretty much two amps in one box...
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Re: JTM45 split cathode switch

Post by Hebaton »

Really nobody can tel me how to do this ?
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Re: JTM45 split cathode switch

Post by Bieworm »

Its not that hard to figure out. If you study fat switches and such maybe things become more clear. Which values exactly are you trying to achieve? Draw out the 2 scenarios and start puzzling... that's more satisfying for you.. post your ideas then to let us check them out.🤘
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