Western Electric Is Going to Make Tubes!

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Western Electric Is Going to Make Tubes!

Post by JMPGuitars »

Finally some potentially really good news. It looks like Western Electric is going to step up and make some USA made tubes for guitar amps. I don't know what models yet, but I'm hoping they cover the most popular tubes. Obviously they'll make 12AX7, but I'm hoping they'll make EF86, EL84, EL34, etc... I'm pretty sure they'll make 6L6s and probably 6V6s too. It's all speculation right now though, I don't think they've announced specifics yet.

There's an article on guitar.com: https://guitar.com/features/interviews/ ... risis/?amp

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Re: Western Electric Is Going to Make Tubes!

Post by Bieworm »

Good news it is...
But they already mentioned that the prices will be significantly higher than cheap labor country manufacturing. Suppose they get shipped overseas... in Europe those prices would be even higher due to customs and other taxes + shipping costs. I can not imagine me buiding an amp with 5 preamp tubes at 100€/tube... regardless the quality.
there are gonna be a lot of Lite2b builds from now on :D

In the mean time I'm in the process of building amps with 6N2P tubes @ preamp sockets. Those are readily available at my sources..
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Re: Western Electric Is Going to Make Tubes!

Post by JMPGuitars »

I don't know how significantly higher. They claim they're not going to price gouge, but production cost will obviously be higher. Though for us in the USA, I don't know how much of a difference it will be with the 35% tariffs being imposed on the tubes being imported from Russia now.

Maybe some day JJ can stop producing trash and offer something decent at a better price. Too bad that won't happen.
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Re: Western Electric Is Going to Make Tubes!

Post by zaphod_phil »

Let's not forget about Tesla,the other part of JJ, which split from them. They may still have some good tubes - https://www.tubes-store.com/index.php?m ... rers_id=12
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Re: Western Electric Is Going to Make Tubes!

Post by zaphod_phil »

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Re: Western Electric Is Going to Make Tubes!

Post by Gotcrunch »

I keep wondering if these new WE tubes will ever happen. I’m not finding much recently. Anyone hear any news or updates? Think they gave up?
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