Custom transformers source?

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Custom transformers source?

Post by NSky »

Hello, I'm designing a preamp with 3x 12AX7 in it. So i'm looking for a power transformer with 300VAC(10-15mA) and 6.3VAC(1A) secondary. To make things worse it has to be a low profile (under 1.7") so it can fit a 1U rack case. I gave up trying to find a standard one and now looking for a place to order a custom transformer. Does anyone have experience ordering custom transformers (within US or with reasonable shipping to US)?
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Re: Custom transformers source?

Post by JMPGuitars »

You might have luck with Try contacting them.

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Re: Custom transformers source?

Post by nickholme1 »

Hi, thinking well outside the box, you could try a toroidal transformer at around 30-0-30 wired in series into a quadrupler and a separate small 6v transformer for the heaters. Search for "Lamington Guitar Amp" and some of the circuits there use quadruplers. I've used one with an EL84 SE amp and a separate 6v dc power supply for the heaters and it works fine.

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Re: Custom transformers source?

Post by Bieworm »

Grant, the guy behind the Lamington amps is a genuine Ozzie. He is very good at using salvaged parts from various sources and builds great amps with that. He can literally build a plexi for a few hundred bucks. I don’t like the baking pan chassis tho😎
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Re: Custom transformers source?

Post by TriodeLuvr »

The Antek AS-05TC150 toroid has two 150V secondaries that can be wired in series, and two 6.3V 2A secondaries. This is a 50VA transformer, much larger electrically than what you need, but it's only 1.6" high. Perhaps Antek could also wind something similar on one of their 25VA cores.
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Re: Custom transformers source?

Post by NSky »

TriodeLuvr wrote:
Tue 11/05/24 4:38 am
The Antek AS-05TC150 toroid has two 150V secondaries that can be wired in series, and two 6.3V 2A secondaries. This is a 50VA transformer, much larger electrically than what you need, but it's only 1.6" high. Perhaps Antek could also wind something similar on one of their 25VA cores.
Thank you! That's the closest to what I need. Some extra power is not a problem as soon as it fits the case. And it's also inexpensive!
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Re: Custom transformers source?

Post by jack1212 »

You can try or Antek for custom transformers. Antek's AS-05TC150 toroidal transformer is a good fit and may be customized further.
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