Output Transformer Question

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Output Transformer Question

Post by sledder »

I built a Ceriatone chupacabra and sounds great except for a problem with the output transformer 0 ohm lead. When I chopstick the lead I get either a depressed sound or a horrible yelp. There is a position where it works and sounds fantastic but it doesn't stay in that position. It appears that the lead connection to the OT is not a sound connection. I may attempt a repair or I may just buy a new OT but in the mean time I have a question. I am using an 8 0hm speaker. The OT has leads for 4, 8, and 16 ohms. Can I use the 8 and 16 ohm leads in lieu of the 0 and 8 ohm leads for the speaker jack connections? Numerically they both provide 8 ohms but not sure I am missing something.
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Re: Output Transformer Question

Post by Bieworm »

sledder wrote:
Tue 01/02/24 6:53 am
I built a Ceriatone chupacabra and sounds great except for a problem with the output transformer 0 ohm lead. When I chopstick the lead I get either a depressed sound or a horrible yelp. There is a position where it works and sounds fantastic but it doesn't stay in that position. It appears that the lead connection to the OT is not a sound connection. I may attempt a repair or I may just buy a new OT but in the mean time I have a question. I am using an 8 0hm speaker. The OT has leads for 4, 8, and 16 ohms. Can I use the 8 and 16 ohm leads in lieu of the 0 and 8 ohm leads for the speaker jack connections? Numerically they both provide 8 ohms but not sure I am missing something.
That’s a good question. Never thought of that, but I never had this happening either.
Although my gut feeling is that you could do it that way, but make sure the 0 and 4ohm taps are NOT connected. If you try it I would put a 500mA fuse on the B+ wire to the center of the primary side of the OT.
But better advice would be that you swap the OT for a good one. That’s what I would do.
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