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Shielded wires on V1 Tremolo TMB

Posted: Mon 12/18/23 4:18 pm
by Bieworm
Hey Josh.. the shielded plate wires on V1 of the Tremolo TMB… those are to prevent oscillation I think? I know I have had issues when I forgot to use shielded wires there, but I can’t remember what the symptoms were. What is your reason for this again?
Reason why I’m asking is that on a recent build I notice high pitch whining/feedback when dialing the treble at higher settings. It’s subtle but annoying enough to address it. Is it recommended to use shielded wires there? Thanks!

Re: Shielded wires on V1 Tremolo TMB

Posted: Mon 12/18/23 4:40 pm
by JMPGuitars
I didn't invent that, I copied it from Richie's layouts (in the original classic download section). I've found it certainly is helpful at reducing noise issues.

I used shielded wire a lot on my Trem TMB Xtra prototype in other spots too, to make the amp quieter. Lots o' shielded wire in that one.

Re: Shielded wires on V1 Tremolo TMB

Posted: Mon 12/18/23 4:42 pm
by JMPGuitars
First thing I would do is turn up the treble to get the unwanted noise going, then try some chopsticking. If that's not helpful, pull out the scope.

Re: Shielded wires on V1 Tremolo TMB

Posted: Mon 12/18/23 4:47 pm
by Bieworm
I see the long wire runs in your amp making sense to the use of shielded wires. But I’m having very short wires. Nevertheless those wires in a tremolo TMB are short as well, and still need to be shielded..
i will look into that tomorrow. I kinda like having an issue.. it’s been so long😉😂

Re: Shielded wires on V1 Tremolo TMB

Posted: Mon 12/18/23 4:57 pm
by JMPGuitars
I get that, the satisfaction of figuring out can be nice.

Most of the runs in my amp aren't that long. The whole PCB is 7 inches. Some of those shielded wires are 2 inches.